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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Packing Glassware for Shippping

How do you pack glassware when shipping to a customer?  Here’s a basic checklist for you:

1.  Pack all glass with padding which will hold up on its own against breakage even BEFORE it is boxed.
2. Use plenty of TAPE to keep the padding material from slipping off the glass; use tape to hold multiple items together, so that they don't shift.
3. Often I pack a box inside of another box—it gives added stability Pack the boxes SNUGLY, with at least 3 inches of shock absorbing material around the inner packet. Corners are especially vulnerable to crushing, so pay particular attention to them.

One historic note: EAPG, Early American Pattern Glass, was originally packed by the manufacturer in straw in wooden barrels for shipment. So keep a mental picture of glass in straw in wooden barrels whenever you pack.