On April 19 new Standard fees for Auction-style listings on eBay will take effect, including Final Value Fees extended to cover the total amount of the sale—including shipping.
This has both positive and negative impact on sellers. In our class discussion about selling fees, we talked about how some sellers would circumvent final value fees by having a low selling price and very high shipping charges. This is eBay's way of handling the problem...just charge a percentage of the entire amount a seller receives. Many sellers are unhappy with the new policy, it's eBay's and there's not much we can do other than find creative ways to deal with it.
eBay told sellers it would begin calculating Final Value Fees (FVFs) on the total price buyers pay at checkout, less any sales tax. Currently eBay charges FVFs on the selling price, not including Shipping and Handling or other charges.
eBay clarified, "The Final Value Fee will now be charged on the total that the buyer paid at checkout less any sales tax - except if the buyer selects 1-day or International shipping."
If a 1-day service is selected by the buyer, the least expensive of either the 1-day service or the first domestic shipping service offered other than 1-day will be used to calculate Final Value Fees. And the same goes for international shipping services. If an International service is selected by the buyer, the least expensive of either the International service or the first domestic shipping service offered other than 1-day will be used to calculate Final Value Fees.
You can find the entire chart explaining the new fees on the Seller Update page.